Why Does Yahoo Finance Keep Reloading
- Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner
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ToggleYahoo Finance is one of the largest financial news, data and blogging sites on the Internet. The site has a major problem with never actually finishing loading all of its content. It makes the page look like it’s refreshing constantly, even when there is no need for it to do so As of 2017, Yahoo Finance’s top stories are powered by Google News
Yahoo Finance is one of the largest financial news, data and blogging sites on the Internet.
Yahoo Finance is one of the largest financial news, data and blogging sites on the Internet. Yahoo Finance is a portal to help users research stocks, bonds and mutual funds, as well as get up-to-the-minute quotes from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ.
It was founded by David Filo in 1988 as a personal finance website for Filo’s family members with no intention of making money from this venture; however, after seeing how many people were using it every day for their own personal finance needs—and even more so for professional investors—he decided to keep going with it despite having few resources himself at first.
The site has a major problem with never actually finishing loading all of its content.
The site has a major problem with never actually finishing loading all of its content. This means that it’s constantly reloading, and you can’t get your information on the page until the next time you visit.
Yahoo Finance is not just slow, but also inconsistent in how quickly it loads information for users. You’ll sometimes have to wait several seconds before seeing anything on their homepage (or even some subpages), which makes this an annoying experience for any user who wants to see what’s going on in the market right now or learn more about stocks they’ve been researching lately.
It makes the page look like it’s refreshing constantly, even when there is no need for it to do so
Yahoo Finance’s top stories are powered by Google News, so when a Yahoo Finance page loads, it makes the page look like it’s refreshing constantly even when there is no need for it to do so.
This bug can be found in Chrome and Firefox browsers but not Internet Explorer. The issue has been fixed by Yahoo Finance on June 12th, 2016 and they have since addressed this issue on their website through an update with a new layout that fixes this problem as well.
As of 2017, Yahoo Finance’s top stories are powered by Google News.
As of 2017, Yahoo Finance’s top stories are powered by Google News.
Google News is a content aggregation platform that gathers news from many different sources and gives it to you in an easy-to-read format. It’s owned by Google, so you know they’re doing something right when it comes to getting your content seen by many people. And using Google News for your content allows them to get traffic from their advertisers as well—which means more money in their pockets!
Yahoo Finance appears to never completely load
Yahoo Finance appears to never completely load. The page keeps reloading, and it looks like it will be refreshing constantly as of 2017.
As of this writing, Yahoo Finance’s top stories are powered by Google News. On the homepage, you’ll see a link that says “More” or similar in some languages; clicking this link takes you to another page with additional information about your stock or ETF. However, when viewing an individual stock’s news item on the main site (or inside its portfolio), there is no need for the page to reload constantly—instead, when new content has been added since your last visit (or refresh), all new data will automatically appear at once rather than having them show up one piece at a time over time like they would if they were being loaded individually by hand each time through load state changes instead of using AJAX calls instead which could take minutes instead of seconds depending upon how fast your internet connection is capable of handling requests without slowing down significantly due either way too much traffic coming through one direction alone causing delays while loading pages on slower connections while avoiding overloads caused by multiple users simultaneously trying
Yahoo Finance has become one of the most popular financial news, data and blogging sites on the Internet. The site’s content is powered by Google News and it offers some great features such as stock quotes, charts and graphs that help users keep up with all things finance. However, there are some people who have noticed some issues with Yahoo Finance loading properly in recent months which may be related to a tech issue or server problem at Yahoo itself; we’ll update this article if new information comes out about this problem or if anyone finds a solution! For now though… good luck trying out Yahoo Finance 🙂